

by Chioma

The EBS Scholarship is designed to support and encourage emerging talents who have the drive, ambition, and determination to excel, demonstrated through academic excellence or other achievements. Through this scholarship opportunity, EBS University aims to provide individuals from different and disadvantaged economic backgrounds with the financial resources necessary to cultivate their leadership skills.


  • Host Country/Institution: Germany / EBS University of Business and Law
  • Category: Graduate degree.
  • Eligibility Country: Open to all nationalities, including African countries
  • Reward/Worth: The EBS Scholarship can cover up to 40% of the tuition fees. On average, it covers 15-20% of the tuition fees.
  • Deadline: No specified date.


EBS University offers a variety of financial aid options to meet different needs, including partial scholarships and flexible funding models, which can often be combined to create a comprehensive support package.
The EBS Scholarship is designed to support emerging talents who have the passion to excel, demonstrated through academic excellence.

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  • Admission: Applicants must have received a positive admission decision (conditional acceptance or acceptance) from EBS University.
  • Academic Excellence: Demonstrated through previous educational achievements.
  • Motivation and Ambition: Applicants should exhibit strong motivation and ambition, as assessed during the admission interview.
  • Financial Need: Proof of economic situation that prevents the applicant from funding their studies using their resources.


  • Tuition Fee Reduction: The scholarship can cover up to 40% of the tuition fees, with an average coverage between 15-20%.
  • Comprehensive Support Package: Opportunity to combine the scholarship with other funding options and flexible funding models to create a comprehensive support package.

Application Procedure:

  • Admission Application: Apply for admission to EBS University through the standard admission process.
  • Scholarship Application: Once the admissions team receives a positive admission decision, they automatically consider applicants for the EBS Scholarship based on their admission application and interview performance.
  • Additional Documentation: Provide information about personal financial circumstances in the form of an income tax statement for the last two years and salary statements for the previous two months.
  • Motivation Letter: Submit a one-page letter of motivation in German or English outlining the applicant’s drive, ambition, and reasons for applying for the scholarship.
  • Curriculum Vitae: Provide a tabular CV detailing academic and professional experiences.
  • Submission: Submit all required documents during the EBS admission procedure before the start of the program.
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For further details and to apply, please visit the EBS University scholarships page:

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